KI, as Kangaroo Island is fondly called, is a haven for various kinds of creatures and flying creatures. Kangaroo Island is also a honey bee refuge which makes it illegal to receive any honey bees or some other honey products inland. The Australians are so cautious about nature preservation that over half of the island has not been cleared of vegetation and a quarter of its territory is declared as National Parks and Conservation Parks.
Each season Has an influence on the landscape and the wildlife; let us take a look at how this occurs:
Mid year:
Midyear on the Kangaroo Island is from December to February. As the late spring approaches the wildlife retreats to hedge land habitat and they take refuge during the heat of the day. You get to see a plethora of colors with the contrasting gold pastures and colorful summer flowers and the green of the native trees. In summer you may see:
- The Little Penguins that molt their feathers all until the end of the breeding season and they lose up to half of their body weight.
- The native Kangaroos and Tammar Wallabies are observed predominantly at sunset and dawn.
- The New Zealand Fur Seals bring forth their chocolate brown dogs.
The autumn time is between March and May on wild kangaroos in australia. The once golden pastures now turn green and the waterways and the catchment areas begin to flow. Fall is the time for change since slight rain allows some respite after a hot summer and promotes new growth. In fall you may see:
- The Little Penguins and the glistening Black Cockatoos begin nesting.
- Autumn is In addition, the courtship time for the black swans.
- Fungi or Mushrooms start sprouting their small heads on moist grounds and rooting wood.
Winter time On Kangaroo Island is from June to August and is the most attractive time here with its rich green countryside, flowing waterways and abundant wildlife. It is in this season you will see the land mammals which usually came out at night or at dawn and nightfall today begin showing themselves throughout the day. Here You will see:
- The Kangaroo and wallaby joeys begin emerging from the mother’s pouch.
- Koalas Also begin emerging from the mother’s pouch and start riding on her back.
- You will Get to see the enchanting Echidnas’breeding train’ that is the area where almost 8 men will accompany the female around.
- Ospreys Show off their mates with spectacular courtship struggles.
- The waders Start to arrive on their migration from Siberia.
- You will Also get to see the Southern Right Whales who pass the beaches in their way from Antarctic waters into the Great Australian Bight to calve.