An increasing number of restaurants here in Singapore are taking the halal course to please our fellow Muslims. With an abundance of halal mediterranean restaurant singapore, there is no shortage of halal passing in a variety of cooking styles across our tiny island! Here one will find our definitive guide to the best Muslim-accommodating food this Little Red Dot brings to the table – some with MUIS Halal guarantee, some with halal accommodation, and some owned by Muslims. In any case, what, right off the bat, is ‘halal’? As indicated by the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS):
‘Halal’ is an Arabic word that implies legitimate or acceptable. Any food or drink that falls into this class is permitted for use. Most foods and drinks are seen as Halal unless they are clearly expressed in the Quran (Islam’s holy book) and Hadith (prophetic buzzwords) as either prohibited or non-Halal.
Also, what is non-Halal?
‘Non-Halal’, also known as ‘Haram’, implies illegal or not permitted. As the name implies, any food or drink that is delegated non-Halal is denied for use. As a general rule, all harmful things are non-Halal. Instances of these include the meat of dead creatures and birds, pork tissue (pork), intoxicating medicines, and cocktails.
MUIS Halal Guaranteed Foundations use halal fixtures and do not serve alcoholic beverages, either in drinks or food. A restaurant chain would have to apply for the MUIS Halal claim for each of its outlets for them to be MUIS Halal guaranteed. This implies that regardless of whether one store is MUIS Halal guaranteed, another store in a similar restaurant chain is not. Restaurants that accommodate halal maybe delegate foundations that serve halal food with halal ingredients, but may offer cocktails.